Get Connected

 “Knowing Jesus and Making Jesus Known


Have you given your heart to Jesus and accepted Salvation through the blood He shed on the cross?  

If your answer is no, we would love the opportunity to share who Jesus is with you.  We welcome you to any of our services or by contacting us via phone or the “Contact Us” link above. 

If you answered yes, then we have some “Next Steps” for you, below.


At Southside, we love to celebrate changed lives!  We believe that God can transform your life through the love of Jesus.  If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, Baptism is the right “Next Step” in your new walk with Christ.  If you are interested in being baptized at our next Baptism service here at Southside, sign up below.

Next Baptism is scheduled for:
September 22 at the close of the am service

"New Here?" Lunch

We offer a “New Here?” lunch twice a year (in the Spring and Fall) for those that are interested in learning more about Southside Assembly.

Join us for this opportunity to get to know Southside’s pastor and leaders, along with others who are new to Southside, over a casual lunch.  There will be a brief presentation and Q&A.

Please register below if you are interested and we will contact you with the next “New Here?” Lunch date.

Kids are welcome!

Discipleship Class

Our next Discipleship Class is to be announced

For those that want to sign up, fill out the form below and we will contact you with the next date and time.  *Each individual will need to sign-up separately.*

Location is used to identify a certain place or position.  Using a map app, you can use location to find where you are, or you can decide where to go and the best way to get there.  The Bible is like a map.  Choosing to follow Jesus is the best decision you will ever make, and the Bible is the guide that helps you understand who you are, leads you closer to Jesus, and gives direction on how to best follow Him.

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian Life.  As a new Christian, it is important that you learn to grow in your knowledge and experience of prayer.  Prayer is not a formal or magical occurrence; it is communication with God.  Like any friendship, a relationship with God takes time and investment.  Prayer should involve both talking to God and listening to His still, small voice.

Being baptized in water is one of the first things we should do after we are saved.  Being baptized does not save us – it is an act of obedience in response to salvation.  It is an outward demonstration of an inward change.  The act symbolizes that a new Christian identifies with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection: when they are fully submerged in water, they identify with His death.  Coming out of the water signifies that they identify with being raised to a new life just like Jesus was.

A community is defined as a group of people who share common attitudes, interests, and goals resulting in a feeling of fellowship with others.  As a believer, your community exists in the body of Christ.  The local church is a gathering of believers in one area, but the universal Church – the body of Christ – is comprised of all believers worldwide.  If we are to be effective in reaching the lost for Christ then the unchurched must be able to recognize a definite difference in our lives.  Being different or “called out” of the world is not always easy, but we don’t have to do it alone.  In fact, God never meant for us to do life alone.

Worship is all that you are, responding to all God has shown of Himself.  It is expressing adoration of God – thanking Him for who He is and declaring His goodness.  It is different from thankfulness because the focus is not so much on what God has done, but on who He is.  The Bible tells us that God has created us to worship Him.  True worship is giving value to something.  Oftentimes this means that whatever you value highly in your life you worship.  

When something positive happens to you, don’t you want to tell everyone the good news?  This is how we should feel after we have accepted Jesus as our Savior.  Our sin has been forgiven.  We have new life in Jesus.  We have the hope of living forever with Him in heaven.  

The word gospel means “good news” – the good news of what God has done for us through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.  The new life you have discovered in Jesus is available to all your friends, and God wants us to share that with everyone.


Mark 10:45 – “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Want to get involved?

One area that we can bring glory to God is through serving.  Our desire is to serve those in and outside the church in the way that Jesus served.  

If you would like to get involved in serving, but aren’t sure where you would like to serve at – see the list below of the opportunities we have available.

We have opportunities to help in either of the areas below:

  • TODDLER NURSERY (18 months to 2 years old): We provide a curriculum in a play-to-learn environment.  This is a volunteer position that is on a rotation of once per month.
  • JAM (ages 3-5, not yet in Kindergarten): This is a volunteer position that is on a rotation of once per month with curriculum provided.
  • BLAST (K-5th Grade): This group meets every Sunday with the exception of the 4th Sunday of the month.  We use the BGMC curriculum on the 1st Sunday of the month and the RightNow media curriculum on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays.

We have opportunities to help in either of the areas below:

  • fuel kids678 (6th-8th grade): This group meets the 2nd & 3rd Sundays of each month with curriculum provided.
  • Student Ministry (6th-12th grade): This group meets every Wednesday evening along with special off-campus events.

For musicians and vocalists that are willing to give of their talents.  If you sing and/or play any instrument including drums, bass, piano, acoustic/electric guitar, or any other instrument, please come check us out.  If interested, stop by Pastor Cato’s office for a visit.

This ministry team creates a welcoming environment for first-time visitors and regular attendees and helps with general event management.

This ministry is to help those struggling with an illness, recovering from surgery, new parents, or coping with a loss by providing: meals, transportation, or house cleaning.

Southside wants to make sure the Foster care children in our community know that they are loved. Each month we will be supplied with a list of children that have birthdays (we will get their initials, date of birth, and gender) and these will be made available to you as a church family to purchase a gift for them.  Southside will also put a cake mix and frosting in with the gift for each child.  If you would like the opportunity to purchase a gift for one of the children, please see Sheila Cato.

Volunteers will mow around the church building during mowing season.  Several volunteers in the rotation will ensure a mowing schedule of once per 6-8 weeks.  If interested, sign up in the Information Center.  Also, if you are interested in helping with the larger property, talk with Pastor Cato.

We are so excited that you have decided to take the next step in your walk with Jesus! 

Water baptism is a public declaration that symbolizes Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  We let the old self fall away and the new life in Christ come alive!

It is a great joy to see what all God is doing in your life.  We will contact you as soon as we get a Baptism service scheduled.  In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up for the next “New here” lunch and/or Thrive class.  We want to help you grow in Christ.


We are so happy you have decided to join us for lunch!  This will be a great opportunity for you to learn more about Southside and for us to get to know you.  

We will add you to our list and as soon as we get the next “New Here” lunch scheduled we will reach out to let you know.  In the meantime, we encourage you to sign-up for Baptism or Thrive class, if you are a new convert. If you are not a new convert but new to Southside and want to become involved on our Serve team sign up below.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Intro lunch

Matthew 28:19-20 says, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen

Making the decision to believe and accept Salvation is only a small part of becoming a Christ follower. Every step from here on out is going to be important.  

This is going to be a great opportunity for you to learn more about what the Word of God says and teaches us.  We will get back to you soon with the dates/times of our next 4-week session.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Mark 10:45 – For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom.

Jesus served in the most powerful way! He loved us so much that even though we are the ones that deserved the death penalty, He gave His life in place of ours.  Jesus served.  Jesus loved.  Jesus gave.

Serving can help you develop relationships with others and can result in someone’s life being changed for eternity!

We are thankful you want to serve at Southside and in the community.  We will contact you shortly regarding your request to serve.